Intellij Quickstart

Import modules into Intellij

  1. Run the Intellij IDE

  2. Select File -> New -> Project from Existing Sources....

  3. Navigate to the geoserver/src/pom.xml directory and click Open.

  4. Click Next, leaving all profiles unchecked.

  5. Click Next, leaving the geoserver project checked.

  6. Click Next, selecting the Java 8 JDK of your choice.

  7. Click Finish


Run GeoServer from Intellij

  1. From the Project browser select the web-app module

  2. Navigate to the org.geoserver.web package

  3. Right-click the Start class and click to Run 'Start.main()'

  4. The first time you do this, geoserver will fail to start. Navigate to the Run menu, an click Edit Configurations....

  5. Select the Start configuration, and append web/app to the Working Directory.

  6. While you have the Edit Configurations dialog open, you can fine tune your launch environment (including setting a GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR). When you are happy with your settings, click OK.

  7. You can now re-run GeoServer. Select Run -> Run 'Start'


If you already have a server running on localhost:8080 see the Eclipse Guide for instructions on changing to a different port.

Run GeoServer with Extensions

The above instructions assume you want to run GeoServer without any extensions enabled. In cases where you do need certain extensions, the web-app module declares a number of profiles that will enable specific extensions when running Start. To enable an extension, open the Maven Projects window (View -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects) and select the profile(s) you want to enable.


The full list of supported profiles can be found in src/web/app/pom.xml.

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