This section provides an overview of how testing in GeoServer works and a brief guide for developers to help with the process of writing tests.
GeoServer utilizes a number of commonly used testing libraries.
The well known JUnit framework is the primary test library used in GeoServer. The current version used is Junit 4.x. While it is possible to continue to write JUnit 3.x style tests with JUnit 4, new tests should be written in the JUnit4 style with annotations.
Current version: 4.11
The XMLUnit library provides a convenient way to make test assertions about the structure of XML documents. Since many components and services in GeoServer output XML, XMLUnit is a very useful library.
Current version: 1.3
The MockRunner framework provides a set of classes that
implement the various interfaces of the J2EE and Java Servlet apis. It is typically used to
create HttpServletRequest
, HttpServletResponse
, etc… objects for testing servlet
based components.
Current version: 0.3.6
The EasyMock library is a mocking framework that is used to simulate various objects without actually creating a real version of them. This is an extremely useful tool when developing unit tests for a component A, that requires component B when component B may not be so easy to create from scratch.
Current version: 2.5.2
Testing Categories and Terminology¶
Software testing falls into many different categories and the GeoServer code base is no exception. In the GeoServer code base one may find different types of tests.
Tests that exercise a particular method/class/component in complete isolation. In GeoServer these are tests that typically don’t extend from any base class and look like what one would typically expect a unit test to look like.
Tests that exercise a component by that must integrate with another component to operate. In GeoServer these are tests that somehow mock up the dependencies for the component under test either by creating it directly or via a mocking library.
Tests that exercise a component or set of components by testing it in a fully running system. In GeoServer these are tests that create a fully functional GeoServer system, including a data directory/configuration and a spring context.
Helper classes are provided to help inject your classes into the system configuration including GeoServerExtensionsHelper
Writing System Tests¶
System tests are the most common type of test case in GeoServer, primarily because they are the easiest tests to write. However they come with a cost of performance. The GeoServer system test framework provides a fully functional GeoServer system. Creating this system is an expensive operation so a full system test should be used only as a last resort. Developers are encouraged to consider a straight unit or mock tests before resorting to a full system test.
In GeoServer system tests extend from the org.geoserver.test.GeoServerSystemTestSupport
The general lifecycle of a system test goes through the following states:
- System initialization
- System creation
- Test execution
- System destruction
Phases 1 and 2 are referred to as the setup phase. It is during this phase that two main operations are performed. The first is the creation of the GeoServer data directory on disk. The second is the creation of the spring application context.
Single vs Repeated Setup¶
By default, for performance reasons, the setup phase is executed only once for a system
test. This can however be configured by annotating the test class with a special annotation
named TestSetup
. For example, to specify that the setup should be executed many times,
for each test method of the class:
public class MyTestCase extends GeoServerSystemTestSupport {
This however should be used only as a last resort since as mentioned before a repeated
setup makes the test execute very slowly. An alternative to a repeated setup is to have the
test case revert any changes that it makes during its execution, so that every test method
can execute in a consistent state. The GeoServerSystemTestSupport
contains a number of
convenience methods for doing this. Consider the following test:
public class MyTestCase extends GeoServerSystemTestSupport {
public void revertChanges() {
//roll back any changes made
public void testThatChangesLayerFoo() {
//change layer foo in some way
The test makes some changes to a particular layer but uses a before hook to revert any such changes. In general this is the recommended pattern for system tests that must are not read-only and must modify configuration or data to execute.
Method Level SetUp¶
A third method of controlling test setup frequency is available at the test case level.
Annotating a test method with the RunTestSetup
annotation will cause the test setup to be
run before the test method is executed. For example:
public class MyTestCase extends GeoServerSystemTestSupport {
public void revertChanges() {
//roll back any changes made
public void test1() {
public void test2() {
public void test3() {
public void test4() {
In the above method the test setup will be run twice. Once before the entire test class is run, and again before the test3 method is executed.
Setup/Teardown Hooks¶
There are a number of ways to hook into test lifecycle to provide setup and tear down functionality.
JUnit @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass¶
As with any JUnit test various annotations are available to perform tasks at various points
of the test life cycle. However with a GeoServer system test one must be wary of the task having
a dependency on the system state. For this reason the GeoServerSystemTestSupport
provides its own callbacks.
This callback method is invoked before the system has been created. It is meant to provide the test with a way to configure what configuration gets created in the GeoServer data directory for the test. By default the test setup will create a standard set of vector layers. This method is where that should be changed, for instance to indicate that the test requires that raster layers be created as well. For example:
public class MySystemTest extends GeoServerSystemTestBase {
protected void setUpTestData(SystemTestData testData) {
// do the default by calling super
// add raster layers
Depending on whether the test uses a single or repeated setup this method will be called once or many times.
This callback method is invoked after the system has been created. It is meant for standard post system initialization tasks. Like for instance changing some service configuration, adding new layers, etc…
Depending on whether the test uses a single or repeated setup this method will be called once or many times. For this reason this method can not be used to simply initialize fields of the test class. For instance, consider the following:
public class MySystemTest extends GeoServerSystemTestBase {
Catalog catalog;
protected void onTestSetup(SystemTestData testData) throws Exception {
// add a layer named foo to the catalog
Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
catalog.addLayer(new Layer("foo"));
// initialize the catalog field
this.catalog = catalog;
public void test1() {
public void test2() {
Since this is a one time setup, the onSetUp method is only executed once, before the test1 method. When the test2 method is executed it is actually a new instance of the test class, but the onTestSetup is not re-executed. The proper way to this initialization would be:
public class MySystemTest extends GeoServerSystemTestBase {
Catalog catalog;
protected void onTestSetup(SystemTestData testData) throws Exception {
// add a layer named foo to the catalog
Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
catalog.addLayer(new Layer("foo"));
// initialize the catalog field
this.catalog = catalog;
public void initCatalog() {
this.catalog = getCatalog();
System Test Data¶
The GeoServer system test will create a data directory with a standard set of vector layers. The contents of this data directory are as follows:
Workspace | URI | Layer Count | Default? |
cdf | http://www.opengis.net/cite/data | 8 | |
cgf | http://www.opengis.net/cite/geometry | 6 | |
cite | http://www.opengis.net/cite | 12 | |
gs | http://geoserver.org | 0 | Yes |
sf | http://cite.opengeospatial.org/gmlsf | 3 |
Stores and Layers¶
Workspace | Store | Layer Name | Default Style |
cdf | cdf | Deletes | Default |
cdf | cdf | Fifteen | Default |
cdf | cdf | Inserts | Default |
cdf | cdf | Locks | Default |
cdf | cdf | Nulls | Default |
cdf | cdf | Other | Default |
cdf | cdf | Seven | Default |
cdf | cdf | Updates | Default |
cgf | cgf | Lines | Default |
cgf | cgf | MLines | Default |
cgf | cgf | MPoints | Default |
cgf | cgf | MPolygons | Default |
cgf | cgf | Points | Default |
cgf | cgf | Polygons | Default |
cite | cite | BasicPolygons | BasicPolygons |
cite | cite | Bridges | Bridges |
cite | cite | Buildings | Buildings |
cite | cite | DividedRoutes | DividedRoutes |
cite | cite | Forests | Forests |
cite | cite | Geometryless | Default |
cite | cite | Lakes | Lakes |
cite | cite | MapNeatline | MapNeatLine |
cite | cite | NamedPlaces | NamedPlaces |
cite | cite | Ponds | Ponds |
cite | cite | RoadSegments | RoadSegments |
cite | cite | Streams | Streams |
sf | sf | AgregateGeoFeature | Default |
sf | sf | GenericEntity | Default |
sf | sf | PrimitiveGeoFeature | Default |
The gs
workspace contains no layers. It is typically used as the
workspace for layers that are added by test cases.
Writing Mock Tests¶
Mock tests, also referred to as integration tests, are a good way to test a component that has dependencies on other components. It is often not simple to create the dependent component with the correct configuration.
A mock test is just a regular unit test that uses functions from the EasyMock library to
create mock objects. There is however a base class named GeoServerMockTestSupport
is designed to provide a pre-created set of mock objects. These pre-created mock objects are
designed to mimic the objects as they would be found in an actual running system. For example:
public class MyMockTest extends GeoServerMockTestSupport {
public void testFoo() {
//get the mock catalog
Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
//create the object we actually want to test
Foo foo = new Foo(catalog);
Like system tests, mock tests do a one-time setup with the same setUpTestData and onSetUp callbacks.
The benefit of mock tests over system tests is the setup cost. Mock tests essentially have no setup cost which means they can execute very quickly, which helps to keep overall build times down.
EasyMock Class Extension¶
By default EasyMock can only mock up interfaces. To mock up classes requires the EasyMock classextension jar and also the cglib library. These can be declared in a maven pom like so:
The change is mostly transparent, however rather than importing org.easymock.EasyMock
must import org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock
Maven Dependencies¶
All of the GeoServer base test classes live in the gs-main module. However since they live in the test packages a special dependency must be set up in the pom of the module depending on main. This looks like:
Furthermore, in maven test scope dependencies are not transitive in the same way that regular dependencies are. Therefore some additional dependencies must also be declared:
Online Tests¶
Often a test requires some external resource such as a database or a server to operate. Such tests should never assume that resource will be available and should skip test execution, rather than fail, when the test is not available.
JUnit4 provides a handy way to do this with the org.junit.Asssume
class. Methods of the
class are called from a @Before
hook or from a test method. For example consider the
common case of connecting to a database:
public class MyTest {
Connection connect() {
//create a connection to the database
try {
Conection cx = ...
return cx;
catch(Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Connection failed", e);
return null;
public void testConnection() {
Connection cx = connect();
public void test1() {
// test something
In the above example the assumeNotNull
method will throw back an exception telling JUnit
to skip execution of the test.