Implementing a RESTful Service

This section describes how to implement a restful service in GeoServer, using a “Hello World” example. The service will be extremely simple and will return the text “Hello World” from a GET request.


Before being able to proceed, GeoServer must be built on the local system. See the Source Code and Quickstart sections for details.

Create a new module

  1. Create a new module named hello_rest somewhere on the file system.
  2. Add the following pom.xml to the root of the new module:
<project xmlns=""
   xsi:schemaLocation=" ">


      <version>2.8-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- change this to the proper GeoServer version -->
      <version>2.8-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- change this to the proper GeoServer version -->



  1. Create the directory src/main/java under the root of the new module:

    [hello_rest]% mkdir -p src/main/java

Create the resource class

  1. The class is a convenient base class available when creating new resources. Create a new class called HelloResource in the package org.geoserver.hellorest, which extends from AbstractResource.

    package org.geoserver.hellorest;
    import java.util.List;
    public class HelloResource extends AbstractResource {
       protected List<DataFormat> createSupportedFormats(Request request, Response response) {
          return null;
  2. The first method to implement is createSupportedFormats(). The purpose of this method is to create mapping from an extension, to a particular format. For now the goal will be to return the text “Hello World” when a “.txt” extension is requested by the client.

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    protected List<DataFormat> createSupportedFormats(Request request, Response response) {
       List<DataFormat> formats = new ArrayList();
       formats.add(new StringFormat( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN ));
       return formats;
  3. The next step is to override the handleGet() method. This method is called when a GET request is made for the resource.

    public void handleGet() {
       //get the appropriate format
       DataFormat format = getFormatGet();
       //transform the string "Hello World" to the appropriate response
       getResponse().setEntity(format.toRepresentation("Hello World"));

    The above makes use of the getFormatGet() method, whose purpose is to determine the extension being requested by the client, and look up the appropriate format for it. In this case when the client requests the “.txt” extension, the StringFormat setup in the previous step will be found.

Create the application context

  1. The next step is to create an application context that tells GeoServer about the resource created in the previous section. Create the directory src/main/resources under the root of the hello_rest module:

    [hello_rest]% mkdir src/main/resources
  2. Add the following applicationContext.xml file to the src/main/resources directory under the root of the hello_rest module.

     <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "">
        <bean id="hello" class="org.geoserver.hellorest.HelloResource"/>
        <bean id="helloMapping" class="">
           <property name="routes">

    There are two things to note above. The first is the hello bean which is an instance of the HelloResource class created in the previous section. The second is the helloMapping bean, which defines a template for the uri in which the resource will be accessed. The above mapping specifies that the resource will be located at /rest/hello.{format} where format is the representation being requested by the client. As implemented hello.txt is the only supported representation.


  1. Create the directory /src/test/java under the root of the hello_rest module:

    [hello_rest]% mkdir -p src/test/java
  2. Create a new test class called HelloResourceTest in the package org.geoserver.hellorest, which extends from org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestSupport:

    package org.geoserver.hellorest;
    import org.geoserver.test.GeoServerTestSupport;
    public class HelloResourceTest extends GeoServerTestSupport {
       public void test() throws Exception {
  3. Add a statement which makes a GET request for /rest/hello.txt and asserts it is equal to the string “Hello World”:

    public void test() throws Exception {
       assertEquals( "Hello World", getAsString("/rest/hello.txt"));
  4. Build and test the hello_test module:

    [hello_rest]% mvn install