Best Drones in 2022
If you are looking for the best drones to spend your money on, we’ve put together a list of the best drones and UAVs with their top features.
If you are looking for the best drones to spend your money on, we’ve put together a list of the best drones and UAVs with their top features.
DigitalGlobe’s cutting-edge high resolution Worldview satellite carves out ridiculously crisp imagery at 31 cm in 8 spectral bands.
Sentinel 2 has a total of 13 bands. Each band is 10, 20 or 60 meters in pixel size. This includes red, green, blue, near infrared and short infrared bands.
The EM radiation that makes it to Earth is called incident light. From here, Earth’s features reflect, absorb and transmit different amounts of energy.
GOES and POES are both operational environmental satellites. But they actually share more in common such as their 40+ year legacy in space.
Supervised classification creates training areas, signature file and classifies. Unsupervised classification generate clusters and assigns classes.
The Landsat file name structure gives you the what, where, when and
If you want to display rasters in true color, you will have to combine the red, green & blue bands. The ArcGIS Composite Bands tool creates RGB composites.
Dark object subtraction, radiative transfer models and atmospheric modelling are common techniques used to for atmosphere correction in remote sensing.
Selective availability is the intentional degradation of GPS signals. When selective availability was enabled, this added error horizontally and vertically to GPS signals.
The agile Pleiades satellite constellation is comprised of Pleiades 1A and 1B. They offer dynamic image acquisition at 50cm panchromatic & 2m multispectral.
SPOT-1 (Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre) was a French commercial satellite launched in 1986 initiated by the French Space Agency (CNES).
How would you like to wave your magic wand and find out how far everything is away from you? No magic wands necessary. This is how LiDAR works.
Imagine being able to rewind forty years back in time. For any given place and time. Then, see how much it’s changed. You can through the Landsat Program!
Active sensors illuminates its target and measures that reflected backscatter to the sensor. Passive sensors measure natural energy from the sun.
Multispectral vs Hyperspectral imagery. Hyperspectral contains hundreds of narrow bands. Multispectral usually consists of only 3 to 10 wider bands.
This list of earth-shattering remote sensing applications will change the way you feel about how this industry is changing our world and the way we think.
Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA) segments an image by grouping pixels together into vector objects. Using these objects, you classify as land cover types.
We look at the digital image classification techniques in remote sensing (such as supervised, unsupervised & object-based) to extracts features of interest.
Every object has its own unique composition. This is equivalent to it having its own spectral signature. Choose the spectral bands for ideal classification
AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) spatial resolution is actually very coarse at 1.1 km. But its revisit times are “very high” at just one day.
Copernicus is the world’s largest and most ambitious Earth observation program in existence today with its Sentinel satellites taking center stage.
As our population grows and climate is at risk, remote sensing of the environment solves large-scale environmental issues for the land, ocean and atmosphere.
If you want the sharpest satellite imagery in the world, harness the power of DigitalGlobe imagery. Each pixel in a Worldview-3 image is about 31 cm.
Have you ever wondered how your GPS receiver works? They use a technique called trilateration, which measures distances, not angles as in triangulation.
IKONOS provides panchromatic, natural-color, color-infrared and stereo images for cartographic, remote sensing and photogrammetric applications.
During an 11-day mission, Space Shuttle Radar Topography (SRTM) mission captured Earth’s elevation at 1 arc-second (30 meters) for over 80% of the Earth.
Nearest neighbor classification is a powerful approach to classify segmented objects based on specific statistics and training samples chosen by the user.
A polar orbit satellite travels pole-to-pole. For a sun-synchronous orbit, it passes over any given point on Earth’s surface at the same local solar time.
NDVI quantifies vegetation with the difference between near-infrared (which is reflected by vegetation) and red light (which is absorbed by vegetation).
The atmospheric window allows specific bands of electromagnetic (EM) radiation to reach the Earth. On the other hand, absorption bands prevent EM radiation.
While geosynchronous satellites can have any inclination, the key difference is that satellites in geostationary orbit lie on the same plane as the equator.
Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information without physically being there. The 3 most common methods of capture is airplane, satellite & drones.
Have you ever wondered about your GPS accuracy? A well-designed GPS receiver can achieve a horizontal accuracy of 3 meters or better. But factors affect it.
Despite popular belief MODIS is a satellite, it’s actually an instrument on-board a satellite. It has 36 bands, 250-1000 meter resolution and 2-day revisits.
A list of the 50 most iconic satellites put up into space to monitor our planet. We show the uses and types of satellites like weather and GPS satellites.
We list Landsat 8 bands as well as popular band combinations which includes coastal, blue, green, red, NIR, SWIR-1, SWIR-2, cirrus and two thermal bands.
A CubeSat is a miniaturized satellite roughly the size of a Rubik’s cube. They’re small enough to hold in your hand and inexpensive to build.
Aerial photography is a type of photography in which you capture images that are distant, from “in the air” using drones, satellites, and more.
A point cloud is a collection of points for storing data in LiDAR systems. Pulses of light represent the millions of points in a point cloud.
Spatial resolution is how detailed objects are in an image based on pixels. But spectral resolution is the amount of spectral detail in a band.
Whether you’re hiking, geocaching, fishing, snowmobiling, or hunting, we are here to guide you through some of the best handheld GPS today.
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an emerging technology in remote sensing with the advantage to see in any weather condition and even at night.
Hyperspectral imaging takes a spectrum of light and divides the light into hundreds of narrow spectral bands. For example, Hyperion has 242 bands at 30m GSD.
In order to continue the Landsat program’s long-standing legacy, NASA and the USGS launched Landsat-9 in September 2021 as the 9th satellite.
Photogrammetry uses photographs from at least two different vantage points. It obtains depth and perspective because of separate points of observation.
如果您对是使用文件地理数据库(*.gdb)还是个人地理数据库(*.mdb) 感到有些困惑……这里有您需要知道的一条。
TerraPop 在全球范围内提供具有国际可比性的环境和人口统计数据——包括栅格、区域级和微观数据。
无损压缩(如 JPEG)保留值并减小文件大小。但是,有损压缩(如 LZ77)通过消除冗余来减小文件大小。
我们探索 DEM(裸地)、DSM(自然和建筑环境)和 DTM(矢量等高线和规则间隔点)之间的差异。
如果您想下载 Sentinel 卫星数据,那么您来对地方了。我们将逐步向您展示如何获取免费的 Sentinel 卫星数据。
从地理数据库到 PostGIS,空间数据库已迅速成为在 GIS 中有效管理空间数据的主要方法。
多年来,USGS 一直是 GIS 数据生产的推动力。我们探索的 USGS 格式是 DLG、DRG 和 DOQ。
部署高效的栅格 GIS 压缩技术意味着减少存储空间。它可以节省金钱和时间,还有助于提高网络性能。
TIGER GIS 数据改变了 GIS 环境,因为它是第一个全国性数字地图。它刺激了 MapQuest、雅虎和谷歌等项目。
无符号整数栅格是非负数。有符号整数可以存储负值。有符号整数可接受 IMG、TIFF 和 GRID 格式
使用此列表中的 10 个免费、可下载的全球 GIS 数据集,这些数据集来自信誉良好的来源(矢量和栅格),可加速您对免费 GIS 数据的搜索。
寻找 LiDAR 数据源是不是感觉是一个很大的挑战?通过这份包含 6 个免费 LiDAR 数据源的列表,掌握免费获得 LiDAR 的艺术。
Natural Earth 数据是一个免费的栅格和矢量(文化和物理)数据包,其中包含创建地图所需的最常见元素。