



new ol.source.BingMaps(options)api说明

Name Type Description
options Bing Maps options.

Name Type Description
cacheSize number | undefined Cache size. Default is 2048.
hidpi boolean | undefined If true hidpi tiles will be requested. Default is false.
culture string | undefined Culture code. Default is en-us.
key string Bing Maps API key. Get yours at Required.
imagerySet string Type of imagery. Required.
maxZoom number | undefined Max zoom. Default is what’s advertized by the BingMaps service (21 currently).
reprojectionErrorThreshold number | undefined Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Default is 0.5. Higher values can increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.
tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is

function(imageTile, src) {
  imageTile.getImage().src = src;
wrapX boolean | undefined Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.
transition number | undefined Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.
var styles = [//图层样式
var bingMapLayer=new ol.layer.Tile({
          visible: false,
          preload: Infinity,
          source: new ol.source.BingMaps({
            key: 'bingmap key',
            imagerySet: 'Road'//图层样式。
}) }));
var map = new ol.Map({
        layers: bingMapLayer,
        // Improve user experience by loading tiles while dragging/zooming. Will make
        // zooming choppy on mobile or slow devices.
        loadTilesWhileInteracting: true,
        target: 'map',
        view: new ol.View({
          center: [-6655.5402445057125, 6709968.258934638],
          zoom: 13



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