ArcGIS API for JS 加载GeoJSON数据
ArcGIS API for JS 没有预制的GeoJSON图层(leaflet和openlayers都可以直接加载Geojson格式的图层了),需要加载矢量图层的时候,需要自定义的方式加载,从网上搜索 了一些解决方法,总结出一些经验,如果没有复杂图形,如,多点,复杂多边形的情况下,可以自定义读取Geojson数据,逐个创建相应的点、线、面要素,然后创建Graphic,在添加到GraphicsLayer里,如果有复杂多边形这种情况,就不能使用此方法加载了,需要用到一个转换器,将GeoJSON转换成 ESRIJSON,直接粘代码了,这段代码是网上找的,有个bug,修复了一下
// =================GeoJSON TO ESRIJSON======================================
function geoJsonConverter() {
const gCon: any = {};
/*compares a GeoJSON geometry type and ESRI geometry type to see if they can be safely
put together in a single ESRI feature. ESRI features must only have one
geometry type, point, line, polygon*/
function isCompatible(esriGeomType, gcGeomType) {
let compatible = false;
if ((esriGeomType === 'esriGeometryPoint' || esriGeomType === 'esriGeometryMultipoint')
&& (gcGeomType === 'Point' || gcGeomType === 'MultiPoint')) {
compatible = true;
} else if (esriGeomType === 'esriGeometryPolyline' &&
(gcGeomType === 'LineString' || gcGeomType === 'MultiLineString')) {
compatible = true;
} else if (esriGeomType === 'esriGeometryPolygon' &&
(gcGeomType === 'Polygon' || gcGeomType === 'MultiPolygon')) {
compatible = true;
return compatible;
/*Take a GeoJSON geometry type and make an object that has information about
what the ESRI geometry should hold. Includes the ESRI geometry type and the name
of the member that holds coordinate information*/
function gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(gcType) {
let esriType,
if (gcType === 'Point') {
esriType = 'esriGeometryPoint';
} else if (gcType === 'MultiPoint') {
esriType = 'esriGeometryMultipoint';
geomHolderId = 'points';
} else if (gcType === 'LineString' || gcType === 'MultiLineString') {
esriType = 'esriGeometryPolyline';
geomHolderId = 'paths';
} else if (gcType === 'Polygon' || gcType === 'MultiPolygon') {
esriType = 'esriGeometryPolygon';
geomHolderId = 'rings';
return {
type: esriType,
geomHolder: geomHolderId
// Convert GeoJSON polygon coordinates to ESRI polygon coordinates
function gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcCoords) {
let i,
const esriCoords = [];
let ring;
for (i = 0, len = gcCoords.length; i < len; i++) {
ring = gcCoords[i];
// Exclusive OR.
if ((i === 0) !== ringIsClockwise(ring)) {
ring = ring.reverse();
return esriCoords;
/*rings is Clockwise or not
function ringIsClockwise(ring) {
let sum = 0;
let i = 1;
const len = ring.length;
let prev, cur;
while (i < len) {
prev = cur || ring[0];
cur = ring[i];
sum += ((cur[0] - prev[0]) * (cur[1] + prev[1]));
return sum > 0;
/*Wraps GeoJSON coordinates in an array if necessary so code can iterate
through array of points, rings, or lines and add them to an ESRI geometry
Input is a GeoJSON geometry object. A GeoJSON GeometryCollection is not a
valid input */
function gcCoordinatesToEsriCoordinates(gcGeom) {
let i,
if (gcGeom.type === 'MultiPoint' || gcGeom.type === 'MultiLineString') {
esriCoords = gcGeom.coordinates || [];
} else if (gcGeom.type === 'Point' || gcGeom.type === 'LineString') {
esriCoords = gcGeom.coordinates ? [gcGeom.coordinates] : [];
} else if (gcGeom.type === 'Polygon') {
esriCoords = [];
if (gcGeom.coordinates) {
esriCoords = gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcGeom.coordinates);
} else if (gcGeom.type === 'MultiPolygon') {
esriCoords = [];
if (gcGeom.coordinates) {
for (i = 0, len = gcGeom.coordinates.length; i < len; i++) {
const a = gcPolygonCoordinatesToEsriPolygonCoordinates(gcGeom.coordinates[i]);
return esriCoords;
/*Converts GeoJSON geometry to ESRI geometry. The ESRI geometry is
only allowed to contain one type of geometry, so if the GeoJSON
geometry is a GeometryCollection, then only geometries compatible
with the first geometry type in the collection are added to the ESRI geometry
Input parameter is a GeoJSON geometry object.*/
function gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(gcGeom) {
let esriGeometry,
coords: any;
// if geometry collection, get info about first geometry in collection
if (gcGeom.type === 'GeometryCollection') {
const geomCompare = gcGeom.geometries[0];
gcGeometriesToConvert = [];
esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(geomCompare.type);
// loop through collection and only add compatible geometries to the array
// of geometries that will be converted
for (i = 0; i < gcGeom.geometries.length; i++) {
if (isCompatible(esriGeomInfo.type, gcGeom.geometries[i].type)) {
} else {
esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo(gcGeom.type);
gcGeometriesToConvert = [gcGeom];
// if a collection contained multiple points, change the ESRI geometry
// type to MultiPoint
if (esriGeomInfo.type === 'esriGeometryPoint' && gcGeometriesToConvert.length > 1) {
esriGeomInfo = gcGeomTypeToEsriGeomInfo('MultiPoint');
// make new empty ESRI geometry object
esriGeometry = {
// type: esriGeomInfo.type,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 4326
// perform conversion
if (esriGeomInfo.type === 'esriGeometryPoint') {
if (!gcGeometriesToConvert[0] || !gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates ||
gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates.length === 0) {
esriGeometry.x = null;
} else {
esriGeometry.x = gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates[0];
esriGeometry.y = gcGeometriesToConvert[0].coordinates[1];
} else {
esriGeometry[esriGeomInfo.geomHolder] = [];
for (i = 0; i < gcGeometriesToConvert.length; i++) {
if (gcGeometriesToConvert.length > 1) {
coords = gcCoordinatesToEsriCoordinates(gcGeometriesToConvert[i]);
for (g = 0; g < coords.length; g++) {
} else {
coords = gcCoordinatesToEsriCoordinates(gcGeometriesToConvert[i]);
for (g = 0; g < coords.length; g++) {
return esriGeometry;
// Converts GeoJSON feature to ESRI REST Feature.
// Input parameter is a GeoJSON Feature object
function gcFeatureToEsriFeature(gcFeature) {
let esriFeat,
if (gcFeature) {
esriFeat = {};
if (gcFeature.geometry) {
esriFeat.geometry = gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(gcFeature.geometry);
if ( {
esriAttribs = {};
for (const prop in {
if ( {
esriAttribs[prop] =[prop];
esriFeat.attributes = esriAttribs;
return esriFeat;
/*Converts GeoJSON FeatureCollection, Feature, or Geometry
to ESRI Rest Featureset, Feature, or Geometry*/
gCon.toEsri = function (geoJsonObject) {
let outObj,
if (geoJsonObject) {
if (geoJsonObject.type === 'FeatureCollection') {
outObj = {
features: []
gcFeats = geoJsonObject.features;
for (i = 0; i < gcFeats.length; i++) {
esriFeat = gcFeatureToEsriFeature(gcFeats[i]);
if (esriFeat) {
} else if (geoJsonObject.type === 'Feature') {
outObj = gcFeatureToEsriFeature(geoJsonObject);
} else {
outObj = gcGeometryToEsriGeometry(geoJsonObject);
return outObj;
return gCon;
const jsonf = geoJsonConverter();
countyJSON = jsonf.toEsri(opts.countyJSON);
const features = countyJSON.features;
features.forEach(feature => {
feature.attributes = attr;
const sym={
'type': 'esriSFS',
'style': 'esriSFSSolid',
'color': [221, 171, 255],
'outline': {
'type': 'esriSLS',
'style': 'esriSLSSolid',
'color': [255, 255, 255],
'width': 1
feature.symbol = sym;
countyLayer.add(new Graphic(feature));