AVCE00 2.0.0:Arc/Info Vector Coverage – E00 开源组件库

AVCE00 是一个ANSI C library, 支持Arc/Info binary coverages 转换成ASCII E00。支持读取和创建coverages文件。这个库的设计比较容易移植到一个E00、coverages文件的转换工具中。

在读取模式中, AVCE00读取一个Arc/Info binary coverage 文件并转换成ASCII E00 文件。用另外一句话说,你使用它打开一个 coverage文件进行读取,然后你一次一行的从 coverage文件中获取信息,就像你打开EOO文件一样。

在写模式中,AVCE00读取E00行信息作为输入并写入到coverage结果文件中。 当你使用它将E00行信息写入你创建的coverage文件中时,它可以将eoo格式转换成coverage格式,并搞定coverage必要的一些信息文件。




For the GIS users:

  • The ‘avcexport’ command-line program reads a binary coverage and converts it to a file in E00 format  

  • The ‘avcimport’ command-line program takes a E00 file as input and creates a binary coverage from it.

For the GIS developers:

  • A simple set of C library functions that make a binary coverage appear as an ASCII E00 file. These functions read a binary coverage and return a stream of E00 lines, making the coverage appear as an E00 file.  
  • Another set of C functions that can create a binary coverage from an E00 input. You write E00 lines (one line at a time) using these functions, and the E00 input is written as a binary coverage.





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